Log in to BOKUlearn - Die Lernplattform der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Aufgrund wichtiger
universitätsweiter Wartungsarbeiten wird BOKUlearn von Freitag,
17.01.2025, 0:00 Uhr bis Montag 20.01.2025, 8:00 Uhr nicht verfügbar
sein. Daher wird der Zugriff auf BOKUlearn-Kurse und -Inhalte in dem
Zeitraum nicht möglich sein. Wir bitten um Verständnis.
Due to important university-wide maintenance work, BOKUlearn will
not be available from Friday, 17.01.2025, 0:00 a.m. to Monday
20.01.2025, 8:00 a.m. Therefore, login and access to BOKUlearn courses
and content is not possible during this period. We ask for your
Log in using your BOKU Account
BOKU SSONew login via BOKU SSO
BOKU students and employees please log in with the Button BOKU SSO. This is possible from the day following the activation of the BOKU account.BOKUonline and BOKUlearn are synchronised nightly, therefore if you registered for a course on BOKUonline today, you will be enrolled in the respective BOKUlearn course by tomorrow.
Only users with a manual BOKUlearn account (username starts with m$_) can log in using the input fields below the heading "Manual Login...".
Information about the new version of BOKUlearn
BOKUlearn FAQ for students and teachers
MANUAL LOGIN (Username starts with "m$_"):